Wednesday, September 3, 2008

super mommy.

so over the past few years, every once in awhile i will enthrall my boys with stories of my super-hero alter ego. i guess it started with hopes that they could see me in a less-mundane, super-thrilling kindof way! i tell them that once they go to sleep at night, after they are all tucked in and off to dreamland, i leave them safely in daddy's care and i am off to save those in need. i will come up with out-of-this world and over-the-top stories and tell them all the fantastic details of my nightly adventures. last night, i saved a group of animals from a burning skyscraper and then flew off to rescue a oil tanker dangling from a was a little tricky to lift the tanker as my arms were tired from holding grace all of yesterday, but luckily i found some superstrength to bring the endangered truck to safety. i think i have them going a bit. they want to think i am kidding, but there is a part of them that is just not too sure. i love that there is a possibility in their minds, the wonder behind their eyes. maybe, just maybe, i am telling the truth. don't you love my super-stylish boots? the cape is pretty cool too!