Sunday, August 17, 2008

better late than never.

for as many cans of diet coke i go through, my guilt has overridden me lately that i have not gotten on the recycling train earlier. it is not that i was not a supporter of recycling and reducing, it is just been a challenge in my home because of the layout of my house. our garage is detached meaning i would need to keep a recycling container in my kitchen...and i do not like ants or roaches so it always has deterred me from doing a recycling box. don't get me wrong, i have tried. when we moved here i ordered the bin from the city but after sitting in the garage it turned into a laundry basket to carry our clothes from the garage to the upstairs and back. then i decided to go seek out a good alternative for us for our kitchen that was covered but never found one that would work. i think my little efforts of taking the old phonebooks to the recycling center are just not enough anymore. now that school is starting back, i am setting out to find a good option for us to recycle. so i officially apologize to the environment for all the years of cans and paper that i have irresponsibly tossed away, especially after reading this...

- Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a TV for three hours - or the equivalent of a half a gallon of gasoline.
- An aluminum can that is thrown away will still be a can 500 years from now!
- If every American recycled just one-tenth of their newspapers, we would save about 25,000,000 trees a year.
- The average American uses seven trees a year in paper, wood, and other products made from trees. This amounts to about 2,000,000,000 trees per year!
- Approximately 1 billion trees worth of paper are thrown away ever year in the U.S.
- Recycling plastic saves twice as much energy as burning it in an incinerator.
- A modern glass bottle would take 4000 years or more to decompose — and even longer if it’s in the landfill.
- Motor oil never wears out, it just gets dirty. Oil can be recycled, re-refined and used again, reducing our reliance on imported oil.
- About one-third of an average dump is made up of packaging material
- More than 20,000,000 Hershey’s Kisses are wrapped each day, using 133 square miles of aluminum foil. All that foil is recyclable, but not many people realize it.
- Every year, each American throws out about 1,200 pounds of organic garbage that can be composted.
- The US population discards each year 16,000,000,000 diapers, 1,600,000,000 pens, 2,000,000,000 razor blades, 220,000,000 car tires, and enough aluminum to rebuild the US commercial air fleet four times over. On average, each one of us produces 4.4 pounds of solid waste each day. This adds up to almost a ton of trash per person, per year.

REDUCE, RE-USE AND RECYCLE!!! i will try!!!!


La Mama Naturale' said...

I'm so sorry it took so long to acknowledge your link up! THANKS. Great site and I LOVE your playlist...!! Happy Recycling!

La Mama Naturale' said...

I just realized the title of your post and thought it was appropriate for my lack of leaving a comment...LOL! :)