Tuesday, November 18, 2008

the way things work

things just happen to work this way for me...almost like when you find yourself lost in a thought and then trace your way back to how you came to that moment...the path you followed to an idea you did not start off by thinking, but it all relates back to the original point. today owen lost his tooth. his 5th tooth he has lost, so tonight, as with all the teeth he has lost, as my children played around me in my room, i reached into my nightstand and pulled out a journal...owen's is the purple one, the purple one that says "dreams" on the cover. i noted on a chart, as i always do when my children get or lose a tooth, their age and date of importance, then as i went to put the journal back into my drawer, i saw " the last lecture" written by prof. randy pausch. i bought it last month and have been waiting to start it. it is about his battle with pancreatic cancer and his last lecture entitled "really achieving your childhood dreams." so i began and before i knew it, i was half way through the book. i stopped to get my sweet children to bed, laying next to grace as she slipped into a peaceful rest and then down the hall to to the boys to "encourage" non-sleepy, silly boys to try to fall asleep. i came downstairs to the computer and stumbled upon a sweet website "when i grow up i will" and decided i would get owen this precious shirt. when i looked closer, it said it donates a portion of the proceeds from this shirt to the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, which it links you to...so i click it to find that november is pancreatic cancer awareness month and it asks you to wear purple and to view this video of dr. randy pausch. so i follow my thoughts that got me to this end point of the path and i remember...i need to go up...the tooth fairy is here! owen lost his tooth!


Hiles said...

Now you can wear your new Jacket all month!!!

Amanda said...

I have that book too and have been waiting to read it, but know that I'm gonna cry so I keep putting it off. I'm sure it's awesome!