Friday, July 18, 2008

visited states.

my parents goal to visit every state has carried over to are the ones so far for me...unfortunately the ones i would pick to visit next would be return visits choosing my favs:
boston, new york city, williamsburg, san francisco, and washington d.c.

now for a world map we are not so savy only visiting bahamas, france, and pics for me would be australia, africa, and china. lucky for me once the kids hit middle school, they will take yearly world trips---cannot wait for that! guess we better start saving NOW!

1 comments: said...

love this idea! my aunt and uncle visited every state and I thought that was so neat. bry and I have started this tradition this year. I think it is so fun to do with kids too because they can let you know why they want to visit a particular state. love family vacations!