Monday, September 21, 2009

sound the alarms

it has been since before wyatt was born that i NEEDED to set an alarm. if ever i needed to get up early, it really was never before 7am which is when i get up anyway. well, things have changed now due to school hours and i am afraid they have changed for good...or at least until all the kids are through highschool. now, not only did i have to pull out the alarm clock and set it up, but i have a horrible habit of anticipating an alarm when set so i am up all night waiting and watching. i never make it to the set time, instead i always jump up minutes before to turn it off. there is just something so unsettling about waking up to noise!! i would much rather awake to quiet i guess. so instead of allowing more sleep, the alarm clock in essence takes mine away. here's to early mornings!