Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
afternoon off
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
sound the alarms
Sunday, September 20, 2009
construction dog
Saturday, September 19, 2009
apples up on top
Friday, September 18, 2009
i just love white plates and bowls on open shelving in a kitchen. thus, i am on the search for a good set of everyday china that has a simple and classic look. here are some options so far:
this bowl set is under $20 for all 6. these will be a must buy!
this is option 1. i think they are so sweet and delicate, however maybe a little too soft for our arts and craft style.
kitchen progress
over the weekend the kids and i tackled painting the kitchen---montgomery white for the walls. owen, as always, loves to jump in and help with everything! grace wanted to help too, however with her i needed to be a bit more reserved with giving her the brush or roller. here are the finished walls on sunday (sans crown moldings)
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
grace's favorite disney rides
since the day was ALL ABOUT grace, i let her pick the rides and the order in which we did them, (even if it meant trekking all across magic kingdom back and forth). the first ride she chose was it's a small world and it was her top favorite. she sat straight up with her hands on her knees mesmerized. she LOVED all the animals and the singing children. she was amazed the entire time. she brought tears to my eyes...still does thinking about it!
so #1 it's a small world
Thursday, September 10, 2009
princess cake or...
my jaw dropped like pelosi's
i have to say, my jaw truly DROPPED to the floor last night when rep. joe wilson yelled out to pres. obama during his speech "you lie!" i feel that it is very sad that a grown man representing so many could be so disrespectful. leaders, though within rights to disagree, should act in a way that inspires others to constructively work out differences of opinions in efforts to see progress. i would like to think that this is not representative of the republican party, but a sole man acting alone in a childish, angry way. i love how pres. obama kept his cool and how joe biden just shook his head.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Searching for Princesses!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
she fell asleep a 3 year old...
Monday, September 7, 2009
hot and not-hot
when you have children, you truly learn (or should i say relearn) something new everyday. over the weekend i was helping wyatt with his heat transfer science homework. he is studying the effects of the earth's core heat on plate tectonics...words such as convection, radiation, and conduction were ones that i heard in my college level geology class at uf. however, i do not remember learning the concept that there is no cold...only the absence of heat (and if i learned this seemingly basic concept, it never was presented to me in a memorable way as i apparently have forgotten it). so my new sink faucet, pictured here and soon to be in our kitchen, should read "hot" and "not-hot" instead of "hot" and "cold." can't wait to see how the next lesson impacts our home. maybe there is a continuum of housework i am unfamiliar my house often is "the absence of clean" and laundry "lacking completed particles."
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
new house for us?
so grace's birthday is coming up next week and i would like to get her something that is more purposeful than just an assortment of various little toys. this house is on sale at walmart so i am considering it for her. do you think she will outgrow it too fast? will it just end up being a home for spiders? not too sure just yet.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
"is this my cup?"
gone are the days of searching for your drink and going from person to person asking the seemingly unanswerable question of "is this one mine?" did you notice that no one ever is too sure of their answer? so for a person like me that gets a major case of the heeby jeeby's when considering sharing a drink with a random person, here is solo's newest product that allows people to scrape their names onto a labeled cup. guess it is the version of "wine glass jewelry" for kids and mommies.