Tuesday, June 30, 2009
attic finds
Monday, June 29, 2009
happy birthday mom!
I often contemplate my childhood, Mom.
I am a mother now, and so I know
Hard work is mixed together with the fun;
You learned that when you raised me long ago.
I think of all the things you gave to me:
Sacrifice, devotion, love and tears,
Your heart, your mind, your energy and soul--
All these you spent on me throughout the years.
You loved me with a never-failing love
You gave me strength and sweet security,
And then you did the hardest thing of all:
You let me separate and set me free.
Every day, I try my best to be
A mother like the mom you were to me.
By Joanna Fuchs
Sunday, June 28, 2009
trip book
Saturday, June 27, 2009
for the fishermen in my life
Friday, June 26, 2009
night time talks
last night at 4am i felt grace gently tap me on my back. then she says "mommy?" and i say "yes, grace," and she asks "what are you doin?"
love our late night talks!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
game of the day
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
sweet pops
all my kids have a sweet tooth---even though i tried not to make sweets and desserts a big "thing", the draw of the sugar eventually won out. they are not big fans of candy, though they so love cake and cookies. however, i am wondering if i could subside the urge with something like this. lollipops fall under wyatt self-imposed "sticky rule" (the one he made that involves not eating anything sticky as it just ends up driving him crazy; the one that now owen and grace too have chosen to abide by), however thought someone else may be interested. may be good for the cold season too and they are pretty reasonably priced. continuing on with the hunt...
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
lately i just feel like i need a re-do...a re-do of just so much. i feel like just grabbing my kids, my hubby, my pets, and stepping back. i feel like the simple decisions i have made on a daily basis have accumulated into a life that is not representative of the life i would think i would have. i look around my house and see things in spots that i truly do not even know why they are there. i look at my clothes...are those really the image i see myself in. that is the point, i do not feel like i am being representative of ME. the way i see myself and my thoughts are truly not what i think i live. let me try to dissect it. if i could do it once, had one day, here is what i see:
wake up early before the sun rises so i can go outside and still feel a bit of the night's breeze before the morning sun brings the heat that consumes the day. sit outside reading a newspaper to know the happenings of the world...know the problems to be able to help find solutions. peacefully, drink a cup of green tea for protection and serenity. get dressed without a shower and take mabel for a walk...learn to enjoy silence. come home and prepare my family a healthy breakfast that also wakes them from the smell of yumminess! juice fresh oranges and cut fresh bread. they all run down and we eat as a family, brainstorming for wonderful ideas of what we could do with all the time we are given for the day. make a plan! we do dishes and get ready...i would like to say skip a shower, but i cannot give up that. i bathe in beautiful smells and healthy soaps. after i dry, i choose from simple handmade dresses and grab a pair of flip flops. i have to go on the computer only for a short minute to order a birthday present for a friend. i have been looking for awhile to find the perfect present and i have made up my mind...a great handmade find! it can ship wrapped, but no hurry the party is not for weeks. we spend our day together, playing, exploring the world, learning and creating. my kids walk instead of running through life. we leave to go to the outdoor market for fresh produce and the only time i have to even give my kids "the look" for the entire day is when one of them sneaks eating a strawberry in the car before we have had a chance to wash them. as the afternoon sun sets, we walk a few blocks to the dock fishing rods in tow. mabel can run free with us . owen catches the biggest fish and wyatt is thrilled. grace does a little dance and gives him a hug. we head home to make dinner---fish and fresh veggies! todd has had a busy day of painting the inside walls of our house. the colors are warm, yet clean. we can hang so many pictures of our travels---our many journeys across the country we have taken together learning about life in a way that a textbook could not teach. after dinner, we opt to fore go the baths and instead head outside for a sprinkler race...all of us. after we all splash and laugh, time to dry off, the skies are dark now. we run upstairs and happily jump in cozy beds. our decorating is simple and purposeful. everything has a place and a meaning. cleaning up is a snap. we spend an hour reading and then share with each other the magical places our stories took us. todd and i head downstairs for homemade dessert and hours of talking. no phones ring and all is quiet. we hear our children yell to us "good night" (the only yells these walls have heard today) and we run back up for one final kiss goodnight. it was a perfect day...unlike no other!
here is how it really goes:
i wake to marlo batting at the cord on the window blinds that let the morning sun in. it is already after 7am and i sneak downstairs while everyone is sleeping to try to get 5 minutes to open up the house before the troops awake. i open the refrigerator (which is in my dining room at the moment) and grab the first of too many diet cokes. i need caffeine as i tossed and turned through the night so i need to WAKE UP! i lure mabel outside and head back in to the computer to check emails. several minutes later the kids walk by...we say our good mornings and they are off to search for a computer available so they can play the video game of the week. after about an hour they switch to nintendo ds games, and i try to now lure them in to eat something for breakfast. they are not hungry, but i still make them a bagel with jelly...one is bound to not like it. not sure which one of the three, i give them all the same and then quickly remember as owen says" i don't like these remember." i think that i replace it with something else, but by lunch time he informs me that he has yet to eat. i hurry todd down out of bed as someone knocks at the door to help work in the kitchen. hurriedly, he dresses and scoots out to begin his long hours of work. i declare a day of no technology and grudgingly 3 kids begin to build legos and i am off to the shower. my cat kindly slinks past my leg to say hello. wyatt has done his job of feeding her so she is happy. i will have to make sure mabel has food...oh mabel...she is still out. i open the door and she comes in and throws me a look like "you forgot to let me in!" i feed her and then jump in the shower. this grocery store shampoo is junk, but my upside-down container of target brand shower gel smells good. i have been trying to salvage any remnants left that can possibly drip down over the past few weeks as i know it will be the last thing on my mind in one of my quick trips in to target (typically to buy a last minute birthday present---some overpriced commercialized item). i quickly dry off and tell grace she can play on the computer for 5 minutes...she has been asking my entire shower so i give in for now. i head upstairs walking past walls that need new paint and new life to them. they were painted so long ago by someone else...someone else's color choice, someone else's idea of what this house should be. i jump into my daily uniform...old jeans and a t-shirt. i hope to dry my hair, but instead throw it up in a pony tail...yes it can go up now...i had vowed to keep short hair that always falls on my neck, but it has just been too long since my last hair appt. i fold some clothes and grab something for each of the kids for the day before putting them in drawers. it is summer so playclothes are fine. we head out to find something to do. we will have fun at a beach visit or bookstore. we may pick up lunch on the way home and owen will eat in the car since he is SO hungry from no breakfast. todd is happy i brought home lunch. while the kids are at the table, we will get some of our summer homework done. they don't mind..they like it. but, one gets upset that the others have more crackers on their plate...got to get up to even it out. we spend the afternoon cleaning, playing, and organizing. we laugh. we head up for baths, reading, and bed. it was a good day, much like any other.
i have a very nice life. i am very lucky. i just feel as though everything is so standard. making a difference should not just be using re-usable bags for grocery shopping and buying organic milk. there has to be more and better. i have happy kids. they are so compassionate, yet i feel we lack passion of life. we need to find something that drives us. maybe we just need a vacation from the daily grind...7 more days and then nc here we come!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
i'm hooked
not that i am anywhere near ready to think about filling our kitchen, but thought this would be a cute addition down the road to hang by the door (of course not with dangerous blade pointing down to a disaster, but possibly a nice set of safe keys).
Sunday, June 14, 2009
the hangover
in times of a great need for laughter, "the hangover" definitely comes through. it may not top "knocked up" for my funniest movie ever award, but it is definitely a close runner up. however, i kept finding myself so used to dvr, i wanted to rewind certain parts. too funny. cannot wait to see it again on video!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
to learn
Thursday, June 11, 2009
lost shows
what is it lately with these new dramas on T.V.? i start getting into them then them and as soon as they started they are off the air. "swingtown" is my most missed, but also on the list: "dirty, sexy money", "jericho", "october road", "dirt", "moonlight" and "the black donelly's." there was also a good one about two college friends that were framed for a new york city bombing...never got to see the end of that one either. i am going to need to start trying out new shows i guess.
lately i have been worrying about our future health as a society. the changes we see in our generation from the one before and why are of great concern to me. why do so many women in their 30s and 40s have breast cancer now? i worry that grace's generation may see these problems in their 20s. what can we do now? how do we fix this issue?
"from Physicians for Social Responsibility:
Pollutants Can Mimic or Block Hormones
Environmental exposure to compounds that can mimic or block the activities of hormones (endocrine disruptors) is of growing concern. Several known compounds have activity similar to the body's own estrogen. Two common EDC's studied specifically in our lab are PCB's and BPA. Polychlorinated hydroxybiphenyls, or PCBs, are a class of compounds some of which affect estrogen signaling pathways. Until the halt of their U.S. manufacture in 1977, PCB's were commonly used as lubricants and coolants in a wide variety of electrical equipment including common household items. Due to a very long half-life PCBs were found to build up in the environment, specifically in soil, sediment, and water, where they still exist today. Another prevalent environmental estrogen, bis-phenol A or BPA, is a building block of polycarbonate plastics and polystyrene resins. The common plastics made from BPA are found in the lining of metal food cans, in plastic milk, juice and water cartons, in baby bottles, in microwave oven ware, and in other widely used plastic and polystyrene food packages. PCB's and BPA enter the body through exposure to contaminated material, most commonly through ingestion of contaminated foods and water. Once in the body, these compounds and others like them can be circulated, metabolized, and/or stored by the body tissues where their effects can continue for long periods of time."
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
make the dark cloud go away
Monday, June 8, 2009
i wuv my puppy!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
birthday bob!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
a pout in a suit
80's night!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
a lot to "say"
Wednesday, June 3, 2009