we are all so eager in this house for our trip next week! here are the things i am excited about:
1. the car trip--i know you are probably saying "WHAT?" but i love car trips! i love having my kids and hubby all in one little "bubble." we always do the same things every car trip...bring lots of pillows and blankets for snuggling up, get new movies to watch for the first time together, and switch seats constantly (our last trip grace wanted to move to the way back so i actually pulled grace buckled in her car seat out of her seat, put her on the ground while pumping gas, lowered down the seat she was in, picked her in her seat back up and buckled her in---all in like 30 seconds--the people pumping nearby were looking at me like i was crazy)! i pack all the kids their own special backpack with their drink, snacks, books, and maybe even a special little toy for the ride.
2. the smell of the mountain air and seeing my kids just be able to RUN as long and as far as they want (well not too far, but far enough)!
3. leaving a clean house and coming home to a clean house--we always CLEAN before we leave that way when we first walk back in our door we can say "Oh it is good to be home!" and not think "Oh I have to clean up this mess!" this year will be special because we are going to a tree farm to cut down our Christmas tree so we are going to have the tree stand sitting by the front door waiting (good idea h.)
4.driving through neat little historic towns...todd and i could do this all day...
5. getting lost...we always do but it always works out!
6. just having no plan and no agenda...wonderful!
7. eating out! i love, love, love good restaurants! my favorites happen to be in tennessee so this will be an awesome eating trip....the apple farm and the pancake house (oh we are going to have a great dinner and an unbelievable breakfast---yum)!!
8. seeing us all happy and together!
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