Friday, October 3, 2008

this is NOT a post about gas prices...

however it is about me driving around town ALL day! here is a typical day...typical being everyday lately:

8:15am leave to drive boys to school

8:50am leave school to drive home

9:05 am home from school, make beds, clean-up time #1

9:45am leave once again to get to grace's daily activity (dance, music, art, science classes)

11:00am leave grace's class

11:15am return home for lunch, play with grace, clean-up #2, check emails and do work/ phone calls for my room mom/pta/volunteer/mm/wife duties, clean-up #3 as grace has pulled everything back out while i was on a 3-minute phone call

12:30 pm leave to go to owen's class to volunteer after dropping grace off at my mom's

1:00 pm arrive at school

3:00 pm leave school with boys and pick up grace

3:45 pm arrive at home after picking grace up---practice spelling words, math facts, and vocab words with boys in the car while trying to hand grace snacks, talking to todd on the phone, reading owen's school papers, and DRIVING (notice driving is last---not good)

3:46 pm get healthy snacks for kids after telling them no unhealthy snacks

3:47 pm start wyatt's homework, get dinner ready, grab soccer clothes, clean-up #4

5:50 pm leave for soccer---ooops---drive back to get water bottles

6:30pm arrive at soccer and try to watch wyatt on one field and owen on the other--now devised parking spot in middle of both so half-way through practice so we can sit in the car with grace and she can push the buttons she looks at from the back seat all day

7:30pm leave practice---"can we get rita's ice?" "okay!"

8:05pm kids finish eating rita's ice in tub while we wash their hair and scoot them up to bed for pj's and reading books, practicing lines for plays, and tons of kisses good night!

9:00pm kids sleeping and todd and i can watch a little show!

whew...okay so let me calculate my car time...seriously i am in the car 4 HOURS A DAY...oh now that really upsets me! at least i love my car!