Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
12 thought provoking questions
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
handwriting style
Monday, October 27, 2008
rays kids!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
rock the vote
being HUGE entourage fans, we LOVE adrian grenier!!!! what is better than double adrian greniers!! take the pledge to rock the vote!
50 odd things (from court)
Do you like blue cheese salad dressing? It is okay but great with wings
Do you own a gun? NO!!!!!!!!!
What's a favorite drink at Starbucks or other specialty coffeehouse? never been there
What do you prefer to drink in the morning? diet coke
Do you do push-ups? never, except push up pops for my kids!
What's your favorite piece of jewelry? my wedding rings, earrings from my parents for my 30th birthday, great-grandmother's necklace , and my necklace with my children's names on it
Do you have A.D.D? no
What is it that you hate about yourself? ooohhhh hate is a strong word, but I do not like to worry.
Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment.
1. Grace needs me to read to her.
2. I need to finish cleaning.
3. I need a Tums for my stomach ache!
Name 4 drinks you regularly drink. diet coke, water, perrier, more diet coke
Current worry right now? Cleaning house.
Current hate right now? Oooh hate again...children suffering
Favorite place to be? anywhere with my kids and Todd
Do you like to travel? LOVE IT!!
What color shirt are you wearing? Purple, but I never wear purple so surprise!!!
Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? no.
Can you whistle? oh yes and I do it all the time and Grace always says "Hey, I can't do that!! How do you do that??"
Favorite color? Depends...I like them all
If you could would you be a pirate? Argh!! YES!!
What song do you sing in the shower? I don't.
Favorite girl's name? Grace and Anna
Favorite boy's name? Owen and Wyatt
What's in your pocket right now? wrappers
Favorite bedtime sheets as a child? Crayons
Worst injury? broke my foot
Do you love where you live? love yes but I think there is a more perfect place.
How many TVs do you have in your house? 5
Who is your loudest friend? Allison Dolan
Who is your quietest friend? Aly
How many pets do you have? Mabel
Does someone have a crush on you? My husband and sons
What is your Favorite Book? Diary of Anne Frank
What's your favorite candy? Heath Bar
Favorite Sports Team? boys soccer team
What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? thought of my friend Debbie
What was the last think you thought of before you went to bed? waking up for soccer
If you could do anything what would it be? have our family completed
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
day at disney!
it is not very often you have a friend that you can call and ask to drop everything and jump in the car and go for a disney trip on an hour notice!! i am so lucky to have a friend like that in deb! all it took was a quick call and soon after we had rooms reserved and bags packed. here is our crazy group on the grounds of fort wilderness lodge where we looked for bunnies and went on a hidden mickey hunt in the hotel lobby. they just love being together.
grace was so excited to see the magic kingdom! her favorite ride was small world of course.
wyatt and mackenzie made a deal: wyatt would try space mountain and in return kenzie would brave thunder mountain railroad. they were too adorable...holding hands and cheering each other on. i could hear kenze in space mountain yelling to wyatt " are you okay?" they are such sweet friends!! owen joined in on thunder mountain for his first time---he loved it and can't wait to go back to try space mountain too!!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
to all my family and friends
please be the first (or one of the first) to add to the FOLLOWERS listing on the sidebar!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
hero day.
i have always thought in school when they ask to choose a "hero" is such an obscure concept. i do believe that there are people in this world that do have true iconic "heroes" such as a sportstar looking up to a past sports figure or a politician respecting a president of our history. but a hero to me is someone that is an everyday figure that "rescues" someone...either figuratively or in reality. wyatt is assigned to do a biographical report on his hero--so limited by the non-fiction rack of biographies at barnes and noble, he had to "choose" a hero. he was happy to do a report on neil armstrong and cannot wait to wear my spacecamp jumpsuit from when i was a child. so it has left me wondering who is my hero? i truly think i have not met me hero yet---or at least if i have, the heroic act needed to be given the name of my hero has not occured as of yet. however, my family is my life and they lead me and drive me each day. that is all the "hero" i need!!!!!
if i could choose 4 people to meet and report on, i would chose as most interesting and inspiring:
al goreannie sullivan (helen keller's teacher)
priscilla mullins (my pilgrim relative)my grandma bess
who would yours be?