i could not be happier that the iconic 90210 series is back! it defined us as a generation and even the parents of my generation loved it. i remember every thursday night when i was in highschool we would all gather together to watch and then when i was in college, todd and i would watch it in our little living room (which, by the way, was 2 feet from both our kitchen and bedroom...i could vacuum the carpets of the entire place with just using one outlet that is how small it was). i do feel a little OLD now that i am on the parent-side of the series, but it is still just as fantastic. this time around they bring in hot issues of the times: autism, homelessness, and inter-racial adoption to name a few. it is a little racier, but hey i am an adult i can handle it. would i want my child to watch it if they were a pre-teen, no probably not, but i remember the original show addressing pregnancy, sex, and drug use and it was good to see as a teeneager. i still mention to todd every few months i still want dylan's porshe! so if in 10-years they make a third generation of 90210, i would love to sit down with my teens and watch!
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