Sunday, July 27, 2008

we can solve it

Simple Things We Can All Do:
1. Turn down the heat and air conditioning when you aren't home. Try using a programmable thermostat or setting your thermostat yourself to 68 degrees while you are awake and lower it to 60 degrees while you are asleep or away from home. In the summer, keep the thermostat at 78 degrees while you are at home, but give your air conditioning a rest when you are away. This will allow you to save about 10% a year on your home energy costs. If every house in America did this, our total greenhouse gas production would drop by about 35 million tons of CO2. This is about the same as taking 6 million cars off of the road.
2. Use a powerstrip.
3. Turn off computers nd monitors when not in use and use sleep settings during hibernation.
4. Pump your tires-eager to save money at the pump? According to AAA driving with under-inflated tires can hurt your vehicle's gas mileage by 2-3%. Over a year, that is like wasting an entire tank of gas.
5. Wash your clothes with cold water. If you usually use hot water for your laundry, you can cut energy by 50% by choosing warm water and up to 90% by choosing cold!!

Learn more and be part of the solution at