Friday, November 27, 2009

turkeys trotting

lured by the thought that wyatt's class was going to race, we loaded up yesterday morning long before the sun was rising to participate in the turkey trot 5k thanksgiving race. to our surprise, we were the only group there representing the students...but, it was great...much better to race as a family. by the end, owen's little legs were growing tired, but he kept on. wyatt, on the other hand, could have probably easily done the signs of fatigue for him. it almost put everything in perspective walking together in the cold. we are very thankful for all we have and each other. hoping all had a great thanksgiving!


Stone family said...

Your babies are beautiful. Cant believe how big they are getting and how much they look like you and Todd. Loved seeing you at Turkey Trot. would love to meet up at a local park!