Monday, June 30, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
all packed up.
instead of suitcases this trip i decided to just pack each person's clothes in our grocery bags so that everything would fit nicely. the kids are so excited...we always make "surprise bags" for the trip full of new books, 1 video, snacks, and 1 new toy (trading cards for the boys and a new doll for Grace) and place them and their pillow and blanket in their seat. all we need now is a good night's sleep for the long drive tomorrow!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Happy Birthday to the BEST MOM!!
Mom, I look at you and see a walking miracle.
By Joanna Fuchs
Thursday, June 26, 2008
cake attack
balloons for anna.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
after YEARS of waiting and begging....

ordered up my car magnet
leaving monday!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
a morning of "free" play.

power lab
hadley, wyatt, and owen got to stay out til 8:45 last night at First Christian! that is late for our group! they got to do art, games, and have snack. the highlight: seeing their old preschool teacher and the exciting announcement that they will be putting a pie in the leader's face at the end of the week! guess we are a go for friday too :)
Monday, June 23, 2008
Mabel's "Sister"
we absolutely are not getting another dog but it is fun to look. this is mabel's sister for sale from the breeder we got her from when she was just a if anyone is looking to get a puppy like our sweet, precious, 63-lb-was-supposed-to-be-40-lb. mabel then here you go!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
boys makes a splash
i love the boys being at school together. they are so flexible there--the teacher went over and grabbed wyatt to come swim with his little brother during his lesson!
owen is such a fish this summer! this was a video from last month's swim lesson. wish we had a pool!! today we went swimming and he was cannonballing in---such a boy!
summer blankets
Saturday, June 21, 2008
won't take your memories
Since my grandmother suffered from Alzheimer's, we are always eager to use products that will not contribute to our genetic link to the disease in my family. I was shocked to find that deodorant ingredients can lead to the disease, so my sister and I went on a hunt to find a aluminum free brand. My friend turned us onto this one and the roll on seems to be working fine. Guess summer is not the best time to switch, but I guess the benefits out way the negatives in this case! Found it at Walgreen's!